Shama Lahiri

Going Beyond Words: How Good Design Leads to High Converting Blogs

They say a picture is worth a thousand words; so why bother with visuals, when you’ve already got the words? The short answer is because good design is always good business. In this article, we at Team Codesign examine what good design means for your blog and how it leads to a higher conversion rate. So, let’s dive straight in!

What Does Design do for the Content on your Blog?

If the information provided was the same, would you prefer to read a newspaper or a magazine?  We’ll take a guess. Glossy pages, bright images, large text; a magazine is certainly more appealing, isn’t it? Let’s move back into our paperless world. Now imagine what a poorly designed blog does to your content. No matter how well the content is written a poor design can make it appear dull, unappealing, and difficult to read.

Added to this, we must also accept that we live in a world where in-depth reading is no longer common. What this means is that any blog today needs to have its content placed strategically to attract readers. So whether it is the choice of font, its size, the layout, or the use of visuals; the design impacts a user’s interaction with the content.

What Does Design do for Branding your Blog?

Ask yourself this, what is it that you wish to achieve from your blog? For some, it’s just a question of sharing their thoughts with the world, for others it may boil down to generating leads or improving rankings. No matter what your personal goal is, anybody who has a blog wants people to read it. And that’s where branding comes in.

As we all know, branding is crucial for both businesses and individuals. In fact, as individuals, we even practice it on a daily basis through the way we project ourselves to others. Having your blog designed according to your personality (or brand) helps your readers understand you better and know what to expect. It also helps you have a purpose and direction for your blog. The design of a blog is a visual representation of you and your brand.

What Does Design Do to Earn Revenue from your Blog?

You write because you enjoy it, you love interacting one on one with your readers, you have discussions with them; and all in all, who cares about the money, right? Wrong!

Today you may look at blogging as a hobby but what if your blog becomes really popular tomorrow? What if people start asking you to write about them? Let’s face it. At some point, we all don’t mind being paid for something we enjoy doing. So why not prep for it now? You know, just in case.

Advertisements can be placed in various sections of your blog. A banner ad, for example, is usually the first thing a visitor sees on your blog. Then you have ads that can be placed along the margins of your page, the bottom of your page, or even bang in the middle of your content!

While placing ads in your blog, it is crucial to ensure that they do not hamper the readers’ experience. And the only way to do this is by paying attention to the design of your blog. Advertisements on your blog only earn revenue when people interact with them, and for that, they need to be well-placed & well-designed.

What Does Design do for User Interaction on your Blog?

At the time of writing this article, a simple Google search revealed the existence of 500 million blogs! Now, whether you’re competing with all 500 million, or just five other blogs, you’d certainly want to stand out either way. Design can be a great way to add an edge to your blog.

For example, there are different ways to highlight comments from your readers. Some blogs give users a badge that keeps them engaged & helps in their self-promotion. Others allow users to leave comments only for a portion of the text. You could also use interactive content such as videos, gifs, charts, slideshows, and so on.

While using these, notice how they completely change the look & feel of your blog. Done well, you not only have a stunning-looking blog, you’ll also have a highly interactive one.

A blog is a space where readers return frequently, allowing you to build on their loyalty. It is therefore a good practice to consistently provide a fresh look. All too often, however, in an effort to focus on content, design gets left behind. And as you may have gathered, content & design need to work in tandem. So why not begin increasing the conversion rate of your blog, with a little help from the top UX design agency in India. :)

Going Beyond Words: How Good Design Leads to High Converting Blogs

Shama Lahiri

April 18, 2023

They say a picture is worth a thousand words; so why bother with visuals, when you’ve already got the words? The short answer is because good design is always good business. In this article, we at Team Codesign examine what good design means for your blog and how it leads to a higher conversion rate. So, let’s dive straight in!

What Does Design do for the Content on your Blog?

If the information provided was the same, would you prefer to read a newspaper or a magazine?  We’ll take a guess. Glossy pages, bright images, large text; a magazine is certainly more appealing, isn’t it? Let’s move back into our paperless world. Now imagine what a poorly designed blog does to your content. No matter how well the content is written a poor design can make it appear dull, unappealing, and difficult to read.

Added to this, we must also accept that we live in a world where in-depth reading is no longer common. What this means is that any blog today needs to have its content placed strategically to attract readers. So whether it is the choice of font, its size, the layout, or the use of visuals; the design impacts a user’s interaction with the content.

What Does Design do for Branding your Blog?

Ask yourself this, what is it that you wish to achieve from your blog? For some, it’s just a question of sharing their thoughts with the world, for others it may boil down to generating leads or improving rankings. No matter what your personal goal is, anybody who has a blog wants people to read it. And that’s where branding comes in.

As we all know, branding is crucial for both businesses and individuals. In fact, as individuals, we even practice it on a daily basis through the way we project ourselves to others. Having your blog designed according to your personality (or brand) helps your readers understand you better and know what to expect. It also helps you have a purpose and direction for your blog. The design of a blog is a visual representation of you and your brand.

What Does Design Do to Earn Revenue from your Blog?

You write because you enjoy it, you love interacting one on one with your readers, you have discussions with them; and all in all, who cares about the money, right? Wrong!

Today you may look at blogging as a hobby but what if your blog becomes really popular tomorrow? What if people start asking you to write about them? Let’s face it. At some point, we all don’t mind being paid for something we enjoy doing. So why not prep for it now? You know, just in case.

Advertisements can be placed in various sections of your blog. A banner ad, for example, is usually the first thing a visitor sees on your blog. Then you have ads that can be placed along the margins of your page, the bottom of your page, or even bang in the middle of your content!

While placing ads in your blog, it is crucial to ensure that they do not hamper the readers’ experience. And the only way to do this is by paying attention to the design of your blog. Advertisements on your blog only earn revenue when people interact with them, and for that, they need to be well-placed & well-designed.

What Does Design do for User Interaction on your Blog?

At the time of writing this article, a simple Google search revealed the existence of 500 million blogs! Now, whether you’re competing with all 500 million, or just five other blogs, you’d certainly want to stand out either way. Design can be a great way to add an edge to your blog.

For example, there are different ways to highlight comments from your readers. Some blogs give users a badge that keeps them engaged & helps in their self-promotion. Others allow users to leave comments only for a portion of the text. You could also use interactive content such as videos, gifs, charts, slideshows, and so on.

While using these, notice how they completely change the look & feel of your blog. Done well, you not only have a stunning-looking blog, you’ll also have a highly interactive one.

A blog is a space where readers return frequently, allowing you to build on their loyalty. It is therefore a good practice to consistently provide a fresh look. All too often, however, in an effort to focus on content, design gets left behind. And as you may have gathered, content & design need to work in tandem. So why not begin increasing the conversion rate of your blog, with a little help from the top UX design agency in India. :)

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